psychologist, art and hypnotherapist, NeuroGraphics instructor, the head of the school «NeuroGraphics with Oksana Avdeeva»
The Potential of the Human Brain
Despite centuries of study, the human brain remains one of the greatest mysteries, holding within it all the incredible and fascinating aspects that define our lives. It governs our reactions, shapes our decisions, and influences not only our own existence but also the world around us.
Oksana, is the person you’ve become the result of conscious goal-setting, or is it the fulfillment of a childhood dream, a kind of following the call of your heart?
From a young age, I was intrigued by profound questions: Why are we born? What awaits us after death? Does destiny exist, or is everything determined by our choices? Why do some dreams come true? I persistently searched for answers to these questions, and books became my most accessible tool.
I learned to read at the age of three, and as far back as I can remember, I’ve always been an avid reader. People read books for different reasons – some for the gripping plots, but I was always fascinated by the psychology of the characters, their thinking, their ways of reacting and making decisions. I can confidently say that I’ve been in love with psychology since childhood. I even remember dreaming of having a superpower like reading people’s thoughts.
In high school, I devoured books about superhuman abilities, and everything related to hypnosis, trance, regressions, past-life memories, healing, bioenergetics, clairvoyance, intuition, and dreams drew me in like a magnet. Where others saw mysticism and magic, I consistently found science and untapped capabilities of the human brain. It’s no surprise that I became a psychologist and hypnotherapist. I was irresistibly drawn to questions about the structure and functioning of the brain because I believed all the answers lay there.
I explored the potential of memory, trained it, studied various memorization techniques, became interested in speed reading, and memorized long poems. Much later, I realized that these were excellent exercises for the brain and powerful activations of new neural connections.
That’s all very intriguing, but how did you find your path in this field? Did you have any guiding principles?
Above my desk hung a quote by Saint Augustine: «Miracles do not contravene the laws of nature; they contravene what we know about the laws of nature».
This quote shaped not only my interests but also my entire life path. As I studied the capabilities of the human brain, I gradually entered the field of professional psychology, accumulating a vast collection of additional knowledge, practices, techniques, and methods related to brain function.
One of the methods that holds a special place for me is Ericksonian hypnosis, which, in a way, turned me into a magician. Think about it – when faced with an unsolvable problem, you delve into your unconscious mind and emerge with answers and resources to resolve it. If that’s not a miracle, what is?
For several years, I worked as a psychologist, art therapist, and hypnotherapist, while also giving lectures on psychosomatics and integrative approaches to human health. However, private practice wasn’t enough to sustain me financially, so I also managed a small retail business. I was in my element, doing what I loved, but I began to feel a persistent sense that changes were coming, and I inexplicably needed to transition online.
This «BUT» sounds ominously intriguing…
Exactly! I could physically sense that the business, which had provided me with a stable income for 10 years, was under threat, and I needed to act quickly. I constantly saw signs around me, as if the universe was warning me to make changes before it was too late. Yet in reality, there seemed to be no reason to suspect any looming shifts. My friends and colleagues only smiled at my doubts since my business appeared unshakable, providing me with a steady, passive income with minimal effort.
This was the beginning of 2019. No one could have imagined the pandemic, lockdowns, and the subsequent closure of many businesses. Around this time, I first heard about NeuroGraphics. I was immediately drawn to the term: «Neuro» represented my lifelong fascination, and «Graphica» referred to drawing – a highly effective tool in psychological work – and I loved to draw. I couldn’t resist trying this new method. I fell in love with NeuroGraphics from the very first neuro-line and started using it almost daily to work on my challenges. Little did I know that within a year, it would become my primary profession and a successful business.
Was there a specific drawing or an original algorithm behind this?
Yes, I drew a project called «New Venture» at the time, without having the faintest idea of what it would entail. I simply planted the «seed» – an idea for an online project that would integrate all my experience, skills, and competencies.
I recall how an image of a woman – who happened to be the director of a children’s development center in my city–emerged in my mind. At the time, this surprised me because we barely interacted. Through her, the drawing connected to «people I don’t personally know» and eventually led to a distinct, independent figure. I could feel waves of energy coursing through me, though I couldn’t yet logically understand what it all meant. However, I was certain it represented a pivotal figure in my journey.
How soon did the «Magic» begin?
I must admit, I’m not fond of comparing NeuroGraphics to magic, but indeed, a series of meaningful coincidences started to unfold.
The director of the Children’s Development Center (the one from my drawing) invited me, as part of a presidential grant, to give lectures for parents on maintaining health through traditional Chinese medicine techniques. Through her and the center, I started receiving requests for psychological assistance from people I had never met before. With some of them, I began drawing NeuroGraphics, which I was already actively using in my private practice.
One of my clients was Nastya Nikiforova (whom I later realized was the key figure in all of this). She attended my group NeuroGraphics sessions and worked on a theme for herself titled «New Business». Right before the New Year of 2020, she unexpectedly called me with a proposal to start an online school for NeuroGraphics.
It had been nine months (an intriguing coincidence with the period of creating new life) since my first drawing, during which I kept sketching about «My Online Business». Yet, I had no understanding of the technical or marketing aspects of such a venture – how to build a website, where to find a team, or how to promote it. Even considering hiring professionals, I didn’t know where to look for them or how to assess their expertise to ensure quality work. It felt like I was drawing, but nothing was happening.
Then Nastya’s call came… I had my doubts, but I also felt a thrilling anticipation that something very important was about to happen. We met on New Year’s Eve 2020 near the city’s main Christmas tree (again, highly symbolic). She told me about her extensive experience in marketing, IT, team building, and her ability not just to launch online projects but to scale them. She was ready to invest money and launch the online school, while all I needed to bring was my expertise, knowledge, and ability to teach. I would be the expert, and she would be the producer.
In a single moment, our goals materialized in reality. We were drawn to each other like two halves of a unified project. And yet, all we did was draw! Now, I’m absolutely convinced that there are no unsolvable tasks, only a lack of neural connections. Once the number of connections surpasses the complexity of the task, everything becomes possible.
That’s how, on the brink of 2020, strolling around the Christmas tree, we decided to create the online school « Mindful Line».
But isn’t starting a new business a reason to abandon the old one? Where does intuition come into play here?
Shortly after, COVID-19 struck, and the global lockdown began. My goods-based business simply ceased to exist. But our online school, « Mindful Line», powered by my unique expertise and Nastya’s professionalism, took off as a market leader in the NeuroGraphics niche with its very first course. To this day, we remain the most popular online school for NeuroGraphics in the world. Currently, we have students from over 100 countries! And not just in Russian – our international division has been actively developing for over a year.
100 countries – that’s half the world! How is such growth possible in such a short time?
Over the five years since the school’s founding, more than a million students have achieved outstanding results in the most important areas of their lives – health, relationships, finances, careers, relocation, major acquisitions, and even discovering their purpose.
Every time I receive grateful feedback, I feel like I’m in the right place. It inspires me to keep creating new training programs.
So the realization of a childhood dream and a heartfelt calling became a conscious goal, and its scale has only grown since?
Looking back, I realize that I’ve always thought outside the box, striving to break free from life’s stereotypical scenarios by escaping conventional thinking patterns.
So when NeuroGraphics entered my life, I was entirely ready for it. More than that – I felt like I had been waiting for it, and my entire prior experience had prepared me for this moment.
By then, I had already been practicing Ericksonian hypnosis for nine years, had experience with regression therapy, and held qualifications as a psychologist, art therapist, and practitioner of countless scientific and quasi-scientific methods exploring the brain’s capabilities. The common feature of all these approaches was their ability to access the subconscious – the part of us that «writes» information onto a limitless virtual disk, not only about every event but also the reasons behind them.
The subconscious stores pure information in the form of facts as well as our reactions to them – our emotions, interpretations, judgments, decisions, actions, and their consequences. Everything is stored in the subconscious. At that point, I knew the following very well:
It’s crucial to access your subconscious.
It’s essential to find resources to solve tasks.
You need to dissolve or neutralize outdated beliefs and patterns.
It’s vital to clear past impressions to make decisions not out of habit but in the best possible way for each situation.
Making decisions free of stereotypes! This is precisely what sets apart the top 4% of successful people. And it turned out that the simplest yet incredibly effective way to break out of an unproductive pattern is to draw a neurographic line.
But it was precisely behavioral stereotypes that once helped humans survive… And even today, various services, including rescue teams, hone automatic, stereotypical responses to specific situations.
There is nothing inherently wrong with stereotypes of thinking and, as a consequence, behavior. They truly help us live and function without being distracted each time by the need to analyze and deliberate routine actions, especially in stressful or critical situations that require an automatic protective reaction. However, these same stereotypes become our greatest obstacle when we seek results that far exceed what we currently have.
Surely everyone has experienced such a situation in life.
You know what you want and what you desperately strive for. You even know how to articulate it correctly and technically achieve it. You’ve heard about the need to visualize and think positively, and you’ve probably tried to apply these principles.
Yet, nothing seems to happen, or if it does, the results are almost imperceptible and insignificant.
The secret lies in our neural connections. It is within these that our thinking stereotypes are embedded.
Here’s the thing: as we go through life, we accumulate experience. Primarily, of course, personal experience – positive, negative, successful, and otherwise. Layered on top of this is the experience of our parents: their mindset, beliefs, successes in certain areas of life, or, conversely, a series of disappointments. Added to this is the experience of generations. Absolutely everything is deposited in our mental «piggy bank» and gets fixed in neural connections, shaping our reality – our thinking stereotypes. Over time, this becomes a kind of «norm» for us.
People think they control their lives, but in reality, it’s this accumulated experience and the impressions derived from it that shape our reactions to events.
Do you encounter the same types of people in relationships? – You’re stuck in a stereotype.
No matter how many jobs you change, you can’t break through a certain ceiling? – You’re stuck in a stereotype.
If you want different results, you need to break free from these stereotypes. And now we have the NeuroLine to help with that. This is where NeuroGraphics begins. It contains that very «magic» that allows new, beautiful, and desirable results to enter your life.
If NeuroGraphics is a science, does it have a classic, widely accepted definition for the NeuroLine?
The NeuroGraphic line is a line that does not resemble itself at every point along its movement, and it’s drawn in a way that defies our expectations. Let’s break this definition down because many people who draw NeuroGraphics often forget the second part.
So, what does it mean for a line to not resemble itself at every point of its movement? The illustration shows that if we divide our NeuroLine into equal segments, we will see that each subsequent segment is different from the previous one. But that’s not enough.
A high-quality NeuroGraphics line begins to literally draw us out of thinking stereotypes during the drawing process when we lead it «not where we expect to see it». This is the most challenging aspect. You need to constantly track where your hand «wants» to direct the next movement and, a split second before this impulse, slightly change the direction of the marker on the paper. Unfortunately, many neglect this aspect, skipping the time needed to master the technique and ignoring the first stage of training – the basic «NeuroGraphics User» course. They immediately jump to complex algorithms and then complain that they draw and draw, yet nothing happens. My first recommendation in such cases is to ensure that you are drawing the NeuroLine correctly.
Can you offer a practical tip or exercise?
Set a timer for 10 minutes. Take a sheet of paper and draw NeuroLines following all the rules. It should feel uncomfortable –although it might feel exciting.
Assess the results. How was it? How did your brain work? What sensations did you experience? How did your body react? Maybe something itches or tingles… Did you feel tired? If you find yourself saying, «It wasn’t easy», «I broke a sweat», «It felt like a workout», «I’m exhausted», «My hand cramped», or «My brain worked so hard that my head aches», then you did everything right. You managed to step out of the stereotype. Wonderful!
So, if you follow the rules and practice regularly, success is guaranteed?
It’s highly individual. It depends on the specific person and the content of their subconscious related to their desired goal.
However, achieving complex results boils down to a simple mechanism. The brain needs help forming a sufficient number of new neural connections for the desired outcome to become possible. Or, as we say in NeuroGraphics, the energy of the engaged neurons must exceed the complexity of the task.
Our task is to draw enough NeuroGraphics lines for the old thinking stereotype to cease existing and a new one to form. To achieve this, we create a case – a series of NeuroGraphics drawings on a pressing topic – to accumulate the critical mass of new neural connections. Then, it’s essential to let go of the situation, distract yourself, reduce its importance, and trust the Field. And at some point… voilà, miracles happen. What once seemed difficult, unattainable, or unrealistic suddenly becomes a reality. How? Only the neurons know!
Does this mean that all you need to do is draw NeuroGraphics without taking any other actions?
Yes and no. On one hand, I’m not one to tell you that NeuroGraphics is a magic pill: «Just draw, and happiness will follow.» I believe you still need to move, crawl, or at least lie in the direction of your goal – in other words, take action. On the other hand, I’ve witnessed many times that «just drawing» is sometimes enough! Personally, I have at least two examples where I «only drew». These include the creation of my online school, « Mindful Line», and my relationship with my beloved partner (once, I jokingly drew ideal relationships).
Is it possible to achieve the desired result without NeuroGraphics? Simply through consistent, regular actions?
Absolutely! You can achieve any result without NeuroGraphics. The principle is the same: build a critical mass of new neural connections, let go, and achieve the outcome. But with NeuroGraphics, you’ll reach your goal much faster and more easily. Proven!
You’ve piqued my interest. I feel like trying it myself. Where do you recommend starting?
I can confidently say you should start under the guidance of an experienced instructor. It’s crucial to learn the fundamentals of the method without distortion. I invite you to personally experience what NeuroGraphics is all about.
Unleash your potential with our Mindful Line Neurographics workshop! Learn neurographics drawing techniques from expert Oksana Avdeeva, reprogram your subconscious, and witness the changes. Neurographics with Mindful Line offers a simple yet powerful path to personal growth – try it today!