I deal with fortune telling using Tarot cards, conduct diagnostics, magical rites,
rituals and Cosmoenergetics (CE) sessions. Please, don’t be confused by such a
combination, in practice this is what gives the best results. If you still have any
questions, you could always contact me on issue.
Gratitude to parents:
Let me thank my parents for my formation, for their enormous patience,
endurance, spending time on “raising” me from the womb, for their emotional,
mental and physical contribution until I embarked on the Path of Magic (it’s just
from my past lives that were revealed).
I also once again express my great gratitude to my beloved daddy — Gorodovich
Vladimir Petrovich! For his responsiveness and participation in the creation of my
“ZAGOVORNIK” — arcane rites book. I wish him have creative inspiration, be
always in high spirits and a long life.
I give the Blessing to my mother — Natalia Solovyova — for her edification and love
for me since any lessons in me give birth to an Ardent Force that I use in my work
and in creativity, she is my catalyst, but not a brake.
Gratitude to the husband:
My husband — Vladislav Vladimirovich — a man with a Degree in Journalism,
working in the field of production. He deals with bioenergetics as well. His felicity
was revealed to him in a stressful situation in his previous family. I am the second
wife of Vlad. He “reads” people by voice, so he stuck to me after listening to my
audio VK (my answers to his life situation according to his request). He got
acquainted with me as a client, and then our communication turned quickly into a
family. Our family can be described like a famous Italian movie: “Taming of the
Shrew», with a high emotional message from me and Vlad’s quietness which
makes me feel peace. I am like Fire, Vlad is like Water, that extinguishes me.
Everyone has his own way of becoming. We are looking for a quintessence;
everyone has facts from their own experience. My husband is quite erudite and
versatile person, but he does not reveal himself to everyone. He prefers to spend
his free time at home.
My publications: “ZAGOVORNIK», Diagnostic Magic Canvas and the Oracle of
– Why did you start doing Tarot reading and practicing Cosmoenergetics?
It all started in my mother’s womb. The whole life is a series of events, which is
comparable only with survival. Somebody put the whammy on me and on almost
all spheres of my life. The most interesting thing is that everything came from the
relatives, from people who were blood to me and even from past lives, they did not
want me to be born. I was not mistaken when I said that it was «done» for all
spheres of my life, since they tried to do it for death, which meant for the 1st (base)
chakra. As you may understand, if it does not function, then there is no time for
any other spheres of life except for just surviving.
During my 1 year of living I caught a cold almost 16 times and had some other
diseases as well. Scoliosis, the best doctor in the city predicted: «The girl will have
a hump!» The verdict was really sad. It resulted in my eating while standing up,
sleeping on the board not knowing what a pillow is. And then there’s a plaster crib
made specifically for my back. I watched TV only with a stick behind my back at
the same time I was performing the exercise. And also, the glasses. And I don’t
even want to talk about all sorts of dispensaries and sanatoriums and even adenoids
were pulled out as well. This was a real stress for the child which could not but be
reflected in future. Anemia with a temperature of 35°C at best, and even 32,8°C.
The blood pressure was 60 over 40 when the doctors said that I was fatal! I replied:
«Maybe he came to you..!» There were a lot of things that I don’t want to expose!
And why? It’s personal! All those issues were defeated long time ago! I can just list
something «interesting». I suffered a lot from sore throat, had lumbago,
rheumatism to tears, intermittent bronchial asthma, urticaria, Quincke’s edema,
photodermatosis, focal pneumonia – I survived, thanks God. I had thyroid (node)
and «sore» which is only 5% of the world’s population …. – all this disappeared a
long time ago. I fell into a coma in 2013.
All those happenings forced me to look for the alternative, non-drug methods of
treatment… Fortunately I found what I was looking for: Porfiriy Korneevich
IVANOV and his toughening system to make one more robust. A 4-year-old girl is
happy to run at a 30-degree frost in swimming trunks and use ice cold water from a
bucket. We starved on Wednesdays and from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon.
I liked it. I gained strength. Dad took me to the Upper Kondryuchy farm. I was met
by a loyal friend and second wife of Porfiriy Ivanov — Valentina Leontievna. She
baptized me there and said to me that I was a genius. She became my first Teacher,
and then there were many others. I assume there will be some more in future. We
ourselves are teachers to each other even within the framework of family and
work. If you omit a few dozen of my Teachers/Gurus/Mentors, then two decades
later fate brought me together with the Master of СE — GULIYEVA Zoya
Ivanovna. That was where my new life started. I got into it from the very first
session! The cleaning is like this: the necrotic connection with the great-
grandmother was interrupted and stopped. The connection with the man for the
love spell also disappeared, plus the voice disappeared for a month and a half – so
generic curses are cleaned. I also stopped eating meat in my diet! I haven’t been
eating it for a decade and a half! I don’t eat fish, mushrooms, eggs. I don’t eat a lot
of things, and without forcing myself. There is simply no need for that! I lost a lot
of pounds, my leg size changed, my hair curled and then straightened again. You
won’t believe that it can be so, but it was indeed that way! And they «came» to me,
and my brain was washed, and I caught sounds that tuned me up. And after the first
session with Emil Mikhailovich I was lying flat for a month and a half, and space
was spinning around me, not my own head was spinning. My state was so at that
time. It was the adaptation to new energies. Channels can also improve physical
health. So, my spine was fixed, scoliosis was treated, and the fact that at the
session I walked around the room on my hands and feet like a crab. Some
overweight patients danced oriental dances during the sessions or stood on their
toes like experienced ballerinas or dancers, painlessly. The girl, who has a hump,
also was standing the session easily, surprising herself.
I’ve been healing for a long time. This is my EVERYTHING! When you have
passed a certain School of Life, no one will convince you. And you won’t prove
anything to anyone! This School is already in your book of Destinies! I think
everyone has their own.
Then I focused on the TAROT to sort myself out without turning to a stranger man
or woman. TAROT is firmly established as earnings because the demand for it is
great. This is not how people treat healing: during healing the client must work on
himself! When the TAROT cards are used, no efforts from the client’s side are
– Can you share any particularly memorable experiences you’ve had during
your practice?
The experience was such that I cured those sores (there are medical records from
patients) which had tortured me as well before.
– How do you incorporate spirituality into your daily life?
And shall it be TURNED ON!?)
– Can you tell us about the case where you helped a client overcome a
serious problem or obstacle?
ALL cases ARE SERIOUS. EACH applicant has HIS OWN SEVERITY of the
request and it doesn’t matter if it’s an old lady or a teenager.
– How do you deal with adapting your services to meet the unique needs of
each client?
I find the best technique for each case (an individual approach to each person being
healed), and work with one request with the help of several techniques (I combine
techniques according to the situation), which is sometimes critically useful.
– How do you handle difficult or emotionally charged situations with your
clients during sessions?
I’m watching them in detail.
– Can you describe a typical day of your work as a Tarot reader and a CE-
I don’t have a day and of course it can’t be typical. My “working day» can be 24/7.
It depends on the time the request is made and paid by the client. I can start
working even at 2 a.m. or at 5 a.m. The time difference between Sakhalin and
Moscow is 8 hours. For еxample: my clients can have a СE session at 1 p.m, then
at 5 a.m. in Moscow time I conduct a session with them.
– How do you see the future of Tarot and the practice of energy healing? Tell
us about your plans for this year, please.
I don’t plan for more than half a day ahead. We, the practitioners, believe that
everything can change in a flash!