«you can do more than you think»
How did your amazing life story begin? Tell us a little about yourself.
I was born and live in Vladivostok. I am a blogger and a young mom! From a very young age I dreamed of becoming a blogger. I’ve always loved video shoots, talking in front of the camera, unpacking products, reviews and generally speaking, having media and an audience. When I was 12 years old, I started making YouTube videos and gained as many as 50 subscribers, but then I abandoned it. I just put the idea on the back burner, but I always dreamed of doing it. At the time, I was just a normal teenager, graduating high school, going to college, dancing and spending time with friends. I am a very versatile person. I don’t have one hobby because I feel like I can do everything! Whatever I am interested in and like, that’s what I do!
How did you decide to create your blog? What inspired you to share your story with others?
My blogging journey began in 2020 when I became pregnant at 17 years old. To be honest, at first it was a blow to me, and I didn’t know what to do. I have always heard many stories about early pregnancy and was always afraid that something similar might happen to me too. And it happened. The young man was immediately happy, he dreamed of becoming a young father, and he reacted positively to this news. It was very difficult for me. I realized that a child is a huge responsibility. Most people first imagine that a child is just a cute little bundle, but I looked at it more soberly and understood that this is a person who needs to be raised, educated and provided for. I couldn’t figure out how I would do this if I was still a child myself and dependent on my mother. But deep down I knew that I would never have an abortion, and if this happened, then it should be so! Thus, I started blogging. Early pregnancy always brings up a lot of different emotions in people, so this was a good start for my blog. It was at this time that the editors of the TV channel «Yu» drew attention to me and invited me to participate in their project. I knew this would help me promote myself, attract more audience to my blog, and ultimately increase my income. So I agreed without hesitation. My husband and whole family supported me. Everything was going the best, my pregnancy was easy and there were no difficulties. The shooting took place, our issue came out, and the most interesting thing happened: the audience was very interested in us! We got people hooked by the fact that at such a young age, we handled the situation responsibly and wisely. People started finding me on social media and subscribing. In about a month, the number of subscribers on my blog exceeded 100,000. I was very happy, because this was something I had always dreamed of! The first communication with such a large audience, the first advertising offers started. At that time, I didn’t know how to run a blog, properly convey information, shoot advertising and cooperate with brands, but I was very enthusiastic about it, and the audience only grew. But it wasn’t without its challenges. Due to a drastic lifestyle change, hormonal changes, I faced a difficult period after childbirth – postpartum depression. I became aggressive, angry, dissatisfied and insecure. Then blogging stopped generating income and I didn’t even have money for bus fare. This period lasted for about six months and it was just awful. One day I realized that I couldn’t go on like this. I realized that I was building my own life and that something needed to change. I went to a psychologist, took an eyebrow makeup course, started changing my lifestyle and earning money with it. More people reached out to me, and I changed my view of the world, turning from a little girl into an adult and wise girl. The audience continued to grow, the income from the blog became much more, and the interest in my personality also increased. I began to enjoy life and what I was doing. However, I eventually gave up my job as an eyebrow artist because I couldn’t focus on two areas: eyebrows and blogging.
What topics and trends do you cover on your blog? What kind of responses and reactions does your content elicit?
On my blog, I am very sincere, open and honest. Honestly, I believe there are very few bloggers like that nowadays. I don’t accept deception and never promote such things. I have great respect for people and my audience, and they feel it and reach out to me. We have a special vibe with them. Over the last year, my audience has grown by another 100,000 subscribers, with absolutely no investment. At the moment I am already a mom twice, we have two wonderful sons, and I am even more on fire with blogging. I am taking various trainings, getting out of my comfort zone and going into my fears. I also host events for my subscribers and plan to create my first product soon to help with blogging. My husband and I recently started our own online sneaker store. Things are not very active so far, but they are! Perhaps we’ll grow it more in the future. Right now we have slightly different goals: I’m working on my development and growing my blog, and my husband is pursuing his dream of becoming a musician. He writes and records songs, and recently opened his own tattoo studio. In the near future, we plan to move to Moscow.
How do you approach being successful in different spheres: blogging, business, creative activity and mom of two beautiful sons?
To be honest, there is absolutely not enough time. I never understood as a child when my mom said she didn’t have enough hours in the day. Now I’m trying to delegate. We’re looking for a kindergarten for the eldest, a nanny for the youngest. For myself in the team found an assistant who helps with work issues, finds, picks up, brings, records – very helpful. In short, the job of a blogger is not easy at all!
What is your opinion on the role of social media in our modern life? What advantages and disadvantages do you see?
I believe that social media now provides so many opportunities. Instagram is already full of professions, tutorials, development opportunities and ways to make money! The only thing, as it seems to me, is that it will not continue like this. Of course, I would like to blog all my life and grow old with it, but I’m sure there will come a point when it will become irrelevant and uninteresting. So I try to make the most of it and set ambitious goals to lay the foundation for the future!
What advice can you give to new parents who are facing challenges at a young age? What did your family have to go through?
Our family had to go through a lot of difficulties that, perhaps, someone will never face in their entire life, really. But I’m not ready to talk about it yet. Perhaps someday we will be invited to some kind of interview where we will tell the whole story of our relationship and difficulties, and it will be very interesting, but for now I believe that this remains personal. We really went through a lot, in some places it was very difficult, and it seemed like it was a dead end… But we were saved by conversations, compromises, love, and, most importantly, the desire of BOTH to go through this path and become better. I can advise young families the same: talk. It is important not only to listen, but also to hear each other! Relationships are work, just like regular ones. In a relationship you also need to expand your horizons, learn and try something new, you just won’t be able to «be»! And it is important to understand that this is a job for two. Only together can we build and achieve something. I wish everyone only love and happiness!
How do you balance between openness in the public sphere and personal privacy? Where is the line drawn?
I don’t usually share personal problems and quarrels on my blog. Even though I’m pretty open with my audience, I don’t like to put my personal life on display. I think it’s disrespectful to myself and my partner. But I don’t say that I (or we) have a perfect life. I always explain that I’m just a regular person like everyone else. By the way, I’m sometimes even more open on the blog than I am in life. It is directly my outlet, and I behave there very sincerely and only the way I want to behave.
What individual character traits have helped you move towards your goals?
I think what helps me a lot is my persistence and my own opinion. I always do only what I want to do and what is comfortable for me! Even my mom tells me that since I was a kid, despite what my parents said, I still moved the way I wanted to and eventually achieved what I want! I consider this to be one of my best qualities: quietly, carefully, confidently going and achieving my goals.
What lessons and principles would you like to pass on to your children and future generations?
I would like to convey to my children self-confidence, honesty and openness. I want to build relationships with children on maximum trust and guide them with my experience and advice on the true path. The rest is all in their hands. My goal is only to guide and teach, and they will ultimately build their lives the way they need. In parenting, I believe, the main thing to remember is that you did not give birth to a child, but a new person for the world. He won’t always be a child and he certainly won’t be your property, so managing children for the rest of his life is not for me. They will build their own lives.
What advice would you give to yourself when starting your journey? What do you wish you could tell yourself a couple of years ago?
What do I wish I could have told myself a couple of years ago? I would like to hug myself and say: «You are alone, value yourself, love yourself, and everything will work out for you. You’re doing great!»
What motivational words or phrase would you like to share with those who read your stories and follow your journey?
I always stick to the phrase, «Whatever is done is for the best!» That is, everything happens as it should, as far as adversity and some drastic changes in life are concerned. Life does not give us a path that we would not pass, but only our choice how to react to it! And why be sad and sad once again, if you can get used to it and move on? You have to move on anyway!