Konstantin Marshenin
Doctor of the highest category, neurologist, chiropractor, psychoneurologist, pain treatment specialist, participant in international conferences, member of the Association for Interventional Pain Treatment, Chief Physician of the Dr. Dlin Clinic. work experience more than 25 years
Inna Marshenina
Rehabilitation doctor, specialist in osteopathic techniques. Teacher at the International School of Osteopathy, author of the «myofascial restoration» technique. work experience more than 20 years
What is the philosophy behind your approach to restoring health and regaining youth, and what values does it convey?
Of course, it is difficult to summarize in two words the whole approach we follow. With experience we add, change, interpret. We are sure of one thing: a person can stay healthy, and therefore young, as long as he learns to be healthy. After all, proper nutrition, proper use of physical activity and proper rest is a whole art. The art of not growing old! The human body in general is poorly understood, and its psyche and energy even less so. More or less we can understand biomechanics. But this is also a big deal, because painless, free, unconstrained movements depend on it. We’ve been ingeniously designed. In general, we view the body as a unified system based on the psychobiosociospiritual model of the human being. Only the right balance between these aspects allows to restore and prolong a person’s health and youth. The main value is a person’s ability to learn how to recover and be in the center of these four aspects. We call this centrality!
What is the «secret» of health-based youth and what factors help to maintain beauty over time?
At the age of 21, a person’s body development ends and aging begins. We mercilessly waste the body’s resources, believing that they are endless. In the meantime, you can maintain your health and youth. The main source of problems for a relatively healthy person is stress and psychosomatic factors. The second, no less important factor is physical inactivity, i.e. lack of active physical activity. And, as a result, disruption of the muscular system, internal organs, as well as the vascular system and hormonal imbalance. All this inevitably leads to decompensation and pain. The body, trying to balance this or that system, spends enormous resources, causing us symptoms of fatigue, irritability, pain and decreased immunity, even cancer. The basic principle of the secret of youth is the balance between the internal and external state of the body. The basis of life is the formation of habits. No wonder they say that if you sow a habit, you will reap a character. We must eat right, exercise specifically and learn to rest properly, which, unfortunately, we do not know how to do.
Tell us about your methods and approaches that allow you to detect and eliminate the true cause of pain, not just relieve symptoms?
The main method of diagnosis is a conversation with the patient, where not only «where it hurts» is revealed, but also an in-depth survey of how a person lives: what he eats, how he moves, how much rest, what habits he has. The psycho-emotional state of the person is also revealed. Next, we dive into blood chemistry to understand the disorders of internal organs and systems. At the same time, we assess the physical level of development, revealing disorders of muscle chains, the state of the spine and joint mobility. It is often the case that a person is medically healthy but has complaints of fatigue, depression and heaviness in various areas. Then we realize that there is a disruption of muscle function, biomechanics and internal organs, and therefore blood supply. Our task is to identify the true cause of the disorder, possibly using kinesiology tests.
What are the basic principles of biomechanics and the proper functioning of the body that you should pay attention to in order to avoid pain and health problems?
We humans are upright creatures, and it is important for us to maintain balance and the correct position of the body in space, that is, how the brain perceives our body in space. This is the subject of a science called posturology. When the body is compensated, the angle of inclination changes, and, for example, it is difficult for us to stand straight. This means that the system that is supposed to keep our body upright is not functioning well. Even movements such as walking can be disrupted in the concept of proper stride pattern. We say that such a person has impaired biomechanics. The consequences can be negative, including pain in various muscle areas, arthrosis and arthritis of the joints, dysfunction of internal organs, which can lead to various diseases. Even a young man can feel like an old man. It is important to understand that pain is always associated not with the muscle that is sick, but with the muscle that compensates for the deficiency. Sometimes, by sorting out this problem and eliminating compensation, a person restores balance and function. To maintain results, it is important to perform physical and somatic exercises. However, it is not always possible to eliminate compensations, since we often neglect pain, which can lead to chronic conditions and the addition of new compensations. This can affect not only the central circulation, but also the intraosseous circulation, which can lead to arthrosis and, sometimes, bone necrosis.
What methods of restoring health and eliminating pain do you imagine, and how do they help restore youth and activity?
After diagnostics, during which we identify the true cause of pain or joint immobility, we make a decision on treatment, and sometimes, one might say, the patient’s recovery. If the pain is recent and caused by compensation, then we find and eliminate it, restoring the functions of all internal organs and systems. This requires several procedures, and sometimes several courses. At the same time, the person does his homework – individually selected exercises. In this way, together we restore mobility and activity to the patient. However, it often happens that the pain is chronic and has already destroyed the ligaments and bone structures. To relieve pain and stabilize the chronic process, intraosseous therapy is used, based on the restoration of intraosseous blood flow. This allows you to stabilize bone pressure, activate the reparative function of bone, improve nutrition of ligaments, muscles and nerve endings, thereby reducing pain. The procedure itself is a complex technological process based on a deep knowledge of anatomy and the doctor’s experience. Of course, other methods can be used, it all depends on individual characteristics. But at the moment this is one of the best methods for restoring the internal systems of the body and relieving pain. Moreover, the procedure itself is no more painful than an intramuscular injection. All these techniques can be combined and simultaneously used to eliminate pain and compensation caused by it. In any case, we approach each patient individually.
What results and changes do you see in your patients after using your methods?
Results? A person gets rid of pain, becomes more mobile, slimmer and even taller. Full of strength and energy. And he’s getting younger before our eyes. Because everything in our body is interconnected. A person is beautiful only when he is healthy! Beauty equals health! And it’s never too late to start getting better and looking younger! We try to explain to everyone and tell them about our approach. So that people stop looking for salvation in pills and become more mobile. And believe me, in 80% of cases this is possible. Here is an example from one patient. We chose this one because such cases have become more and more frequent. A young patient came in with complaints of pain in the lumbar region, constant headaches that the pills did not help, disturbances in stool, menstrual cycle, and constant swelling of the legs. When walking, there was a feeling of shortening of the leg, and she began to experience panic attacks. «I have apathy, I visited many doctors and nothing helped. I feel old» – this was typical for every second patient, if not for every first one. After a conversation, examination, tests and MRIs of various departments and analyses, it was revealed that the cause of all this was braces! Unfortunately, few orthopedic dentists think about the consequences. They just don’t know about it. We are always glad when doctors who understand biomechanics and want to cooperate come to us. Let’s return to the patient. Initially, her teeth were heavily worn down, which indicated problems with the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), but the doctor did not take this into account, as did the patient’s scoliosis. He got braces and the problems started. It was only a matter of time. Compensations increased. Ultimately, the braces were removed, two courses of rehabilitation procedures and several intraosseous injections were performed. After this, the patient turned to another specialist to correct the bite, and we collaborated with her. She did home exercises that were part of her morning warm-up. I also want to give another example. A young patient complained of pain in the right hip joint. MRI showed aseptic necrosis of the femoral head, synovitis and edema of the soft tissues of the pelvis. It should be noted that today there is no reliable data on the treatment of aseptic necrosis. Over the course of six months, two courses of intraosseous therapy were carried out in the area of the tibial trochanter and rehabilitation procedures to eliminate compensation and restore tissue and blood flow. MRI results confirmed that avascular necrosis was eliminated. The pain went away and joint mobility was restored. If the patient had not presented in time, the joint would likely have had to be replaced, if that had been possible at all. We can give many similar examples. For example, we successfully treat or reduce pulmonary fibrosis or pulmonary fibrosis after coronavirus without the use of drugs at different stages of the disease. As a result, patients regain normal breathing, tissue oxygenation improves, activity and energy appear, and fatigue goes away. The brain begins to actively function.
What role do your life experiences and personal values play in how you approach the treatment and support of your patients?
Life experience shows that classical medicine is just a base. We are also close to the European approach and, as a result, we have formed a symbiosis of methods with our own, one could say, authorial approach. We try to prevent diseases, not treat them. For this purpose, we promote our philosophy and, of course, adhere to it ourselves. The best prevention is to perform somatic exercises aimed at preventing movement disorders and their full recovery. It is also important to maintain a constant weight, which reflects our nutritional philosophy, and to periodically eliminate compensations and stress.
How important do you think it is to change stereotypes about the approach to health and treatment among people? What perspectives do you see in this direction?
We are sure, and we hope so, that everything is possible. It is necessary to introduce proper physical education from kindergarten onwards, not just physical education. After all, recreation is also a part of physical culture. Even the very word «Physical Education» implies culture. Medical schools can also make changes, and we hope they do. Of course, it may take several generations for this to happen, as our man prefers to be lazy. We have also been brought up to believe «study and work first, then relax in retirement». We believe differently. Education and career are important, but it is also important to prioritize your priorities. When you have physical activity in your life, you are less likely to be stressed, which contributes to greater success. Raising children also affects their mental stability and health. Personal example plays an important role in raising children. As for retirement, this is a topic that requires a separate discussion. With age, food intake decreases, but physical activity should remain. Proper physical activity is not just activity in the country, but a system of exercises that prepares the muscles for stress. You should start your morning with pull-ups in bed, a glass of clean water and exercises. This should become a lifelong habit because we believe that as we age, our bodies and our lives should improve. We need to learn to live in modern society, experiencing stress, and at the same time maintain physical and mental well-being. The art of not growing old lies in this!